Click Test Object and then click Insert Object ( s) on the menu of the main window to open the wizard dialog. 点击TestObject然后在主窗口的菜单上点击InsertObject(s)以打开向导对话框。
In the "Insert Link" dialog, enter the following values 在“InsertLink”对话框中,输入下列值
In the insert new pictures dialog box, locate and click the picture that you want to add, and then click insert. 在“插入新图片”对话框中,查找并单击要添加的图片,然后单击“插入”。
In the insert web page dialog box, under select a page type, click the page type that you want. 在“插入网页”对话框的“选择页面类型”下,单击所需的页面类型。
In the insert Address Block dialog box, click cancel because you don't need to add a second address block field to your publication. 由于不需要向出版物中再添加一个地址块域,因此,请在“插入地址块”对话框中,单击“取消”。
In the insert picture dialog box, locate the folder that contains the picture that you want to insert, and then click the picture to select it. 在“插入图片”对话框中,找到包含要插入的图片的文件夹,然后单击相应的图片,以选择该图片。
In the insert Address Block dialog box, click the address elements that you want to include, and then click ok. 在“插入地址块”对话框中,单击要包含的地址元素,然后单击“确定”。
In the insert Hyperlink dialog box, click existing file or web page under link to. 在“插入超链接”对话框中,单击“链接到”下的“原有文件或网页”。
In the insert postal bar code dialog box, select the appropriate address fields. 在“插入邮政条码”对话框中,选择适当的地址域。
In the insert file dialog box, select a file type, such as text file. 在“插入文件”对话框中选择文件类型,如文本文件。
Note: after you insert the cd-rom, a dialog box is displayed that prompts you to upgrade the operating system. 备注:插入cd-rom后,将显示一个对话框,提示您升级操作系统。
Displays the insert file dialog box, which allows you to paste the contents of a file into the current document. 显示“插入文件”对话框,该对话框允许您将文件的内容粘贴到当前文档中。
After you change the default path, you need to enter only the file name, not the new path, in the insert Hyperlink dialog box. 更改默认路径之后,只需要在“插入超链接”对话框中输入文件名而不必输入新的路径。
In the insert picture dialog box, browse to the folder that contains your new logo, select the logo, click insert, and then click save. 在“插入图片”对话框中,通过浏览找到新徽标所在的文件夹,选择该徽标,单击“插入”,然后单击“保存”。
In the insert picture field dialog box, click the data field that contains the picture file names or paths, and then click ok. 在“插入图片域”对话框中,单击包含图片文件名称或路径的数据域,然后单击“确定”。
In the insert picture dialog box, browse to find the picture that you want, and then select it. 在“插入图片”对话框中,通过浏览找到所需图片,然后将其选中。
In the insert fields dialog box, highlight first name, and then click insert. 在“插入域”对话框中,突出显示“名”,然后单击“插入”。
In the insert page dialog box, click duplicate all objects on page, and then type the number of the page you want to copy. 在“插入页面”对话框中,单击“复制该页上所有的对象”,然后键入需要复制的页数。
For more information about how to insert dialog boxes into your application, see dialog editor. 有关如何将对话框插入应用程序的更多信息,请参见对话框编辑器。
In the insert ActiveX Control dialog box, select the control you want to add to your dialog box and click ok. 在“插入activex控件”对话框中,选择要添加到对话框的控件并单击“确定”按钮。
Publisher cannot get a picture from the insert picture dialog box. publisher无法从“插入图片”对话框中得到图片。
This tendency needs to be closely watched, because programmers have been known to insert dialog boxes into the code even after the user-interface specification has been agreed upon. 因为程序员甚至在用户界面规范已经达成一致的情况下,还在代码中插入对话框。